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Resources & Research

Get them listening! Dyslexia and Audiobooks

Listening to audio books allows children with dyslexia to access to the vocabulary, literary language, and content that they need to keep growing and developing while they get the explicit phonics instruction and the fluency practice that will help their eye reading catch up with their ear reading.

What and how to read with kids!

Scholastic has released the sixth edition of its Kids & Family Reading Report, the company’s biannual survey of kids 6–17 and their parents. 

Raise Kinder, Less Entitled Kids

"Maybe if we understand a little more about the instinctive, irrational quirks of our kids’ minds, we’ll be better equipped to raise kinder, less-entitled kids."

Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection

Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code, has taken up the charge to socialize young girls to take risks and learn to program — two skills they need to move society forward.

Overloaded and Underprepared

Denise Pope, Co-Founder of Challenge Success at Stanford University, discusses how to best prepare children— mentally, emotionally, and academically — to handle the challenges they will face in school and in life.

Raising Caring, Ethical Children

Richard Weissbourd, co-director of the Making Caring Common Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, discusses Raising Caring, Respectful, and Courageous Children. 

Get Kids Talking About their Day

Want your kids to tell you about their day? Instead of asking questions, try this!

Encourage Your Child to Read

The love of reading can and should begin for children in their earliest days and continue throughout their years in school and on into their adult lives. This pocket guide, created at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, can help guide us in nurturing super readers. 

Time for Play Everyday

Child-initiated play lays a foundation for learning and academic success. Through play, children learn to interact with others, develop language skills, recognize and solve problems, and discover their human potential. In short, play helps children make sense of and find their place in the world. 

Inquiry Based Learning: A Case for Curiosity

Children's brains are busily creating pathways. They are trying to understand how things work. They are learning -- and learning how to learn. Children begin as curious scientists seeking to make sense of the world. Our job is to help children remain connected to this essential 21st-century skill as they set out to ask questions, seek answers, and create solutions. 

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